
The Pharisees and Herodians fail to trap Jesus, so here come the Sadducees with their question. It’s really the question. What are we looking forward to after death? Like his…

God & Government

May 25, 2014
If death and taxes are two sure things in life, taxes might be the most hated! Jesus proclaims the kingdom of God is present, so what happens when it gets…
Have you ever been in situation where someone unexpectedly takes charge? What gave them the right? Jesus is taking charge as if he is in a position to do so.…
On Palm Sunday Jesus came into Jerusalem, a humble King, lowly and riding upon a colt. Now he comes into the temple and what does he find? Rank hypocrisy. This…

Triumphal Entry

May 4, 2014
The time has come for Jesus’ kingship to be made plain. He has been working quietly in and around Galilee, forgiving sins, silencing demons, spreading the message of what God…

Blind Bartimaeus

April 27, 2014
In contrast to the rich young ruler who couldn’t walk away from his stuff, and to James and John who couldn’t see past their desire for power, blind Bartimaeus sees…

The Resurrection

April 20, 2014
The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is the apex of the gospel. Toward the end of his long letter to the Corinthians, Paul reminds them of the gospel,…

Cross Before Crown

April 13, 2014
In God’s good timing we’re a week out from Easter and here in the Gospel of Mark Jesus is talking about what will happen to him on the cross. James…
From Matthew we know this man is young, from Luke that he is a ruler, and from all that he is rich: the rich young ruler. Mark’s account is the…

Kids & the Kingdom

March 30, 2014
We know the children are our future. This is true, but here we learn they are our present, too. Jesus just warned about causing little ones who believe in him…