The Song of Mary

December 24, 2023
As the mother of the Lord Jesus Christ Mary is blessed among women. She received the good news of the incarnation of the Son of God and believed what the…
The word of God is sufficient to equip us for every good work, including parenting teenagers. Like every age, kids during these years have particular temptations which ought to cause…

Christmas at Home

December 27, 2020
Sometimes traditions shape our view of Scripture instead of the other way around—Scripture shaping our traditions. As people who hold to sola Scriptura—the Bible is our highest and only infallible…
The gospel is good news to more than just individuals: “For the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are afar off, as many as…
Epiphany means appearing and refers to the manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles. Jesus was not only the savior of the Jews, but the savior of all the nations—the whole…

Risen Indeed

April 16, 2017
The resurrection of Jesus is the culmination of His miraculous ministry. Jesus died countless wonders but without this one, we would still be in our sins. The resurrection means not…

The Sunrise of the World

December 6, 2015
It’s Christmas time, the most wonderful time of the year. But in a more fundamental sense, it has been Christmas time for two millennia. Celebrating this day and season should…

Prodigal Grace

April 19, 2015
This is a familiar story to many about a rebellious son who leaves his father, sins in a big way, and then comes homes. Often we think that the main…


March 29, 2015
The Triumphal Entry, remembered on Palm Sunday, is when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey in royal procession. Jesus is recognized as the King when whole multitude shouts Psalm…