The word of God is sufficient to equip us for every good work, including parenting teenagers. Like every age, kids during these years have particular temptations which ought to cause…
The only fundamental difference between a marriages and households that thrive and those that wither is the way sin is dealt with. Good marriages are not the result of a…
The Christian home is marked by God’s blessings and promises. “If anyone loves Me”, Jesus says, “he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will…

Against Abortion

January 20, 2019
Abortion is the single greatest injustice occurring in the world today, and so we should be against it. There’s nothing wrong with making the positive case for being pro-life, but…
God gives promises and practices to Christians to bring up their children in the faith because He loves us. We are called to believe what God says and then to…