The Great Commission

September 7, 2014
The Gospel of Mark is concluding, Jesus is alive, and no one will believe it! It’s a good thing this isn’t baseball because three strikes and the church would be…
What is the point of the resurrection of Jesus? Ask that question and nine out of ten times you’ll hear about going to heaven when you die—life after death. But…
Crucifixion was invented by the Persians, according to Herodotus, but perfected by the Romans. It became a symbol of power and fear for the Empire. This punishment was primarily for…

Jesus Before Pilate

August 3, 2014
We come to the final step before Jesus’ crucifixion, and to the heart of why it was necessary: a substitute to suffer in our place for our sins. Jesus has…

Jesus on Trial

July 27, 2014
Having been arrested by the mob, Jesus is brought before the Sanhedrin to stand trial. The disciples have scattered and even Mark has fled, naked and ashamed. But Peter follows…
This passage is one of the most intense and revealing scenes in the Bible. It reveals Jesus’ full humanity as he staggers in prayer. His weakness is so apparent that…

The Last Supper

June 29, 2014
This is the final meal Jesus eats with his disciples, his companions, where he prepares them for what is coming. This scene was made famous in the painting by Leonardo…
This chapter is the longest in Mark and begins the passion of Jesus, his great suffering and death. He is anointed like a king or priest would be, but just…
Among the most misunderstood teachings of Jesus, this passage is full of relevant urgency for the disciples. The temple would be a sweet place to rule from, but Jesus has…
Jesus answers the final question and climactic question in the temple: what is the most important commandment? This time it’s a scribe who asks, but curiously not one who baits…