ABout Emmanuel Church


Converted reading the New Testament and Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis in seventh grade, it wasn’t until high school that my (Pastor Jerry Owen, here in the first person) faith broadened and flourished as a result of weekly worship and preaching at Trinity Church (then Eastside Evangelical Fellowship) in Bellevue, WA.

First Emmanuel Church service, June 2013.

After completing ministerial training at Greyfriars Ministerial Hall, I returned to Trinity Church in 2007 to serve as an Associate Pastor.

In 2013, as an outgrowth of our desire to see the church grow and the great commission fulfilled, the elders commissioned me, two other officers and a small group of like-minded families to start Emmanuel Church on the north end of Lake Washington.

Our desire is to see people reconciled to Christ, families put back together, and the Word of God applied to everything–all of Christ for all of life–for His glory and our joy. God has continually opened doors and blessed our work, and we invite you to join us.