February 20, 2022

The Weightier Matters

Passage: Matthew 23:13-28

In the Sermon on Mount Jesus gave eight beatitudes, the blessings of God upon His people. For three years He proclaimed the kingdom of God, touching lepers, healing the sick, restoring the broken, and forgiving the sins of all who came to Him. The scribes, priests, and Pharisees want none of it and would like it to stop. So now He pronounces eight woes which reveal why God’s judgement is upon them. We know Christ was angry when Pharisees resisted Him healing the man on the Sabbath with the withered hand, and He probably was also angry when cleansing the temple. But these woes stunningly reveal with blunt force the righteous anger of the Savior who would weep over the city headed to judgment.  He fights because He loves, and those who will not fight for something don’t really love it.

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