In the Day of Trouble

December 18, 2022
In Psalm 20 Israel needs help in the upcoming day of the trouble. We don’t know which specific events provoked this psalm, but we know God gave it to us…

God Speaks

December 11, 2022
We live in a world where God speaks. Creation bursts with His beauty and splendor. The inspired Scriptures preach the gospel and the whole counsel of God. And the Spirit…

God the Rock

December 4, 2022
David sings a nearly identical song in 2 Samuel 22 celebrating God’s deliverance from the hand of Saul and all his enemies throughout his life. This psalm of thanksgiving bears…

Hear a Just Cause, O Lord

November 27, 2022
The psalms teach us how to pray and live, and the theme of justice occurs frequently in them. David’s enemies plot wickedly against him, and he wants God to hear…

At God’s Right Hand

November 20, 2022
This psalm is a desperate cry for deliverance made from steadfast faith in the deliverer. David’s expectation goes far beyond the present trouble, declaring the Lord will ultimately deliver him,…

Dwelling with God

November 13, 2022
How are we to live in the house of God? We see in this psalm the efficacious grace of our God that not only brings us into His tabernacle but…

Practical Atheism

November 6, 2022
Sin begins in the heart where the fool tells himself there is no God. Though he doesn’t confess this outwardly, his actions reveal a practical atheism that would devour the…

God & Evil

September 13, 2020
The Bible deals with problems in the real world, and not questions like “What is the sound of one hand clapping?” If you walk with God for any amount of time you will wonder, “Why do you stand afar off, O Lord?”. People do evil things in this place where we believe God is in charge. If He is both good and all powerful, how can He allow it? This is called the problem of evil. Apart from Him, there is no answer and really no such thing as evil in the first place. But in Him, there is an answer and a sure hope.
The psalms teach us to praise the Lord for things we normally would not. Israel has been attacked by and delivered from pagan nations, but there are more threats on…
Like psalms 81 and 84, Psalm 8 is al Gittith, “upon an instrument of Gath”, which may be a joyful tune to accompany this beautiful meditation. David weaves together God’s…