Revealed by the Spirit

May 28, 2023
At Pentecost the Holy Spirit was poured out upon the church so that we would believe the gospel and live walk its power. The Spirit does the will of the…
God is the giver every good and perfect gift, as James says, but just because someone has received a lot does not mean he can enjoy it. Qoheleth addresses the…
God is sovereign over all things, and even though life is vapor and impossible for man to control, Solomon does not tell us to despair. Just because you are not…
The Lord will make everything beautiful in its time, but in the snapshot, it sure doesn’t look like it. The sovereignty of God is controversial because we have a hard…
The world and everything in it is completely out of our control, vapor of vapors. We experience endless cycles of repetition such that the more things change, the more they…
Solomon begins Ecclesiastes saying that human toil delivers no lasting gain on the earth. Now he describes how he came to that conclusion. He touched, tasted, felt, heard, sung, built,…
Far from proclaiming the meaninglessness of life, the Preacher in Ecclesiastes calls his people to fear God and find joy in the mist. Solomon confronts the uncontrollable nature of this…

The Most Important Thing

April 9, 2023
While everything in the Bible is inspired by the Holy Spirit, not everything is equally important. Paul tells the Corinthians that the gospel—the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ…
Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a donkey headed for victory, but only He knows what sort of victory it will be. John shows different crowds converging to see Lazarus and…

Sent by Christ

March 26, 2023
We’ve considered why we worship the way we do, how the Lord renews us in His covenant through the ministry of word and sacrament on the Lord’s Day. Worship is…