Drawing Near to God

February 18, 2024
If you read the gospels you quickly discover the bold and absolute claims Jesus makes to be God and know God through Him: “I am the way and the truth…

The Untamed Tongue

January 28, 2024
God speaks the world into existence and then makes man in His image who speak like He does, taking dominion and enjoying creation. But after the fall, man speaks destructive…

Creator & King

January 28, 2024
Psalm 33 picks up where Psalm 32 left off: “Be glad in the Lord and rejoice, you righteous; and shout for joy, all you upright and heart!” David describes wonderful…

The Inheritance of the Meek

January 28, 2024
Sometimes the wicked sing while the righteous suffer. Psalm 37 teaches the faithful not just to avoid envy, but also why. We’re in a story and should consider what happens…

In Your Light We See Light

January 28, 2024
Psalm 36 sets the darkness against the radiant light. It contrasts the smallness and futility of man’s rebellion with the greatness of God’s grace that fills the world and the…

Established Hearts

January 28, 2024
While we cannot see the immediate future, we know all things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose (Rom. 8:28). The…

The Joy of Forgiveness

January 28, 2024
Psalm 32 is the school of grace. King David, sinner par excellence, teaches us how to seek forgiveness, receive it, and then exult in the joy of righteousness. Spurgeon says…

Weighted Words

January 21, 2024
Words have power. God brings us to Himself through the word of truth (cf. Jms. 1:18). The words we listen to and the words we speak shape us and those…

Living Faith

January 14, 2024
Faith in God is not a box you check at one point in your life. It’s not bare intellectual assent to the truths of the Christian faith. James writes to…

The Sin of Partiality

January 7, 2024
When you think of a faithful and thriving church, what comes to mind? Churches elevate youth programs, liturgy, mission, education, outreach to the poor, doctrinal maturity, music and many other…