School has almost started and so the most structured form of discipleship begins again. This enormous and costly endeavor is the first step of evangelism, the way we fulfill the…


September 25, 2022
For many Christians today the topic of education doesn’t belong in a sermon about the family. What does this have to do with the Christian household? In a biblical understanding…
God brings a man and woman into the covenant of marriage because He wants godly offspring, and this only possible if we believe and rest in His promises. Parenting in…
This is the fourth message in To You & Your Children series. First, we considered the grace and promises foundationally laid in God the Father’s home. Second, the gift of…
God gives promises and practices to Christians to bring up their children in the faith because He loves us. We are called to believe what God says and then to…
When we believe God’s promises they become incarnate in our lives. Rahab trusted the Lord so she risked her life to send the spies out another way. If we know…