
The idea of seven deadly sins goes back at least to the Latin church father Tertullian in the late second and early third century. In 590 AD Gregory the Great…

Exploring what biblical dominion looks like.

Number Your Days

July 7, 2024
It’s commonplace to say life is short. What isn’t common is to number your days before God so as to live faithfully before Him. David gave this psalm to Jeduthun…

How to Get Eternal Life

June 23, 2024

Sometimes the wicked sing while the righteous suffer. Psalm 37 teaches the faithful not just to avoid envy, but also why. We’re in a story and should consider what happens…
Psalm 36 sets the darkness against the radiant light. It contrasts the smallness and futility of man’s rebellion with the greatness of God’s grace that fills the world and the…

Contend, O Lord

June 2, 2024
The victory David celebrates in Psalm 34 is a hot conflict in Psalm 35. His enemies want him dead, so he calls on God to fight for him. Over a…

Boast in the Lord

May 26, 2024
Psalm 34 results from David’s deliverance in Gath. Sometimes psalms are written about experiences in the thick of trouble, but here he goes from a to z, aleph to tav,…